Saturday, July 10, 2010

What does feng shui say about aquariums???

I came across a site of fengshui which says aquariums or even a small bowl of fish tank will bring good luck ......The below paragraphs are an extract from it...

''Water is one of the 5 elements used by fengshui. Water is the life force, symbolizes wealth. Incoming water from the two waterfall symbolizes wealth and good fortune. All wealth will stay within top tank without flowing out even with an open outlet at the bottom. The word "SUI" in Cantonese means both water and money. In feng shui interiors like waterfalls, ponds, aquariums, fountains, in your surrounding promote wealth and blessings.
Fountains and bubbling aquariums bring sound of water to space and assist in creating peace.
Fish are considered lucky, because the water they live is equated with wealth. The Chinese word for `fish' (yu) means `abundance or affluence'. So fish symbolizes wealth.
Fish is a symbol for happiness, serenity, wealth, abundance. It is believed that fish sleep with their eyes open and do not allow bad energies. Fish in home, offices mean life which means chi is generated always. It attracts good luck.
Many geomancers recommend placing fish tanks in a home or office to symbolize good fortune.
Flowing water is an essential component to feng shui as it is one of the objects believed to have the powers of redirecting, reflecting, or shifting energy in a space. Water Fountains help lift the ch'i with the gentle sound of flowing water. In the five creative elements theory of feng shui, it is important to have a balance of all of the elements - a water fountain can help activate the water element.
Just remember to keep the water fresh! Stagnant or moldy water in your fountain can adversely affect the feng shui in your home or office. Water from fountain should not be allowed to flow out.The OPEN BOTTOM concept fish tank assure that all splashing water will stay within tank''

All those people out there who wanted a fish tank for a long time have got a reason to buy one now....

Thursday, July 8, 2010


.....leopard danio...

.....zebra danio......

At the onset of the light cycle, zebrafish will generally initiate breeding behavior. In a tank that has been marbled, the eggs collect between the marbles and thus the fries can escape predation. However, when no marbles are in the tank, the fish will rapidly consume the eggs. By eating the eggs, the fish are cycling the protein within the tank, reducing the energy loss experienced in egg production and breeding behavior. By marbling a tank, the egg protein source is denied and energy loss to a tank is extensive, which is why fish should be put over marbles no more frequently than once per week. On days when the fish are not over marbles, they should be fed several times per day with protein rich foods to compensate for their energy loss.

Marbling a tank

The fish should be fed approximately 30 min before adding marbles to give the fish sufficient time to consume the food. When the fish have stopped feeding, it is important to siphon excess food and debris from the bottom of the tank.
Add marbles to a freshly siphoned tank by slowly dropping them through the water to the bottom of the tank. The tank bottom must be completely covered with marbles. Approximately one liter of marbles is enough to cover the bottom of a ten gallon tank properly. Try to use big marbles as smaller ones will give easy access to fishes...

Removing eggs from a tank

Remove eggs from the tank using a siphon. To siphon eggs, prepare another tank which is well cycled to receive the eggs and water. Place this tank near the main fish tank, and below the water line of the main tank. To operate the siphon, place the siphon tube into the tank. Draw water by mouth into the siphon, and quickly place the flexible tubing into the fry tank. Siphon the bottom of the tank in a methodical manner to collect the eggs.Its said that siphons are to be used only once but I recommend nice rinsing and reuse.Well who in their sane mind will buy so many siphons...

Removing marbles from a tank

Marbles should be removed from tanks promptly. After siphoning, use a net to remove the marbles. Clean them thoroughly.

Cleaning marble eggs

Eggs obtained from the bottom of the main tank will have tonnes of fish POO.So clean them well by gently running clear water through it.

Because fish producing eggs over marbles expend more energy it is important to provide them with a diet that compensates for the energy lost in egg laying and breeding.

In general, it is better to feed the fish several times (four to six) lightly than to feed them once or twice heavily. Multiple light feedings allow the fish better opportunity to utilize the food sources and preserves tank water quality by minimizing the amount of food left rotting on the bottom of the tank. As a "rule of thumb", fish should not be given more food than they can consume in five minutes. If fish are still eating after five minutes, they are probably being overfed, so reduce the amount next time. If, after five minutes, there is uneaten food in the tank, and the fish are no longer feeding, the excess food should be removed either with a siphon or a net.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Egg scatterers:
Egg scatterers swim into clumps of plants or along the sides of objects or even just in the gravel and spray eggs on them. The male and female will push against each other and wiggle as they release sperm and eggs. A good spawning medium for egg scatterers is java moss or artificial spawning mops. Some species of egg scatterers include most barbs, tetras, and danios.

Egg depositors:
Egg depositors lay eggs on a surface or in a nest. Some lay eggs under a rock or plant leaf like the fathead minnow, who will also use a broken flower pot. Others lay on the top surfaces of rocks or plants like angelfish. Some fish lay in gravel pits in a sort of nest like some species of cichlids. Some fish, like otocinclus, lay all around the surfaces of small plants. Cories and other fish may stick eggs to vertical glass as well as on plants and ornaments.

Live bearers:

Live bearers are a special case. Species include guppies, mollies, swordtails, platies, halfbeaks, mosquito fish, and more. The males use a gonopodium which is a modified anal fin to inject their sperm directly into the females. She carries her eggs inside her body where they develop. She can raise several batches from one mating several weeks earlier. The fry are born live. These fry have the ultimate pre-natal care but once born are on their own.

Labyrinth fish:
Most labyrinth fish, or anabantoids, make bubble nests. Males make the foamy nests by blowing bubbles of saliva and air onto the surface of still water with floating plants to hold the nest together. He defends the nest until the fry are born from other males and females that are not ready to spawn. Species include the Siamese fighting fish or betta and many species of gourami. A few labyrinth fish, such as the kissing gourami, are egg scatterers. A few others are mouthbrooders.

Some species of cichlids and arrowana protect their fertilized eggs by carrying them in their mouths until they hatch. The parent does not eat much during this time.


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