Aquaculture has emerged as one of the fast growing industries in the developing countries like India for domestic consumption as well as for the export. This industry not only generates foreign exchange to the country but also provides employment opportunities to the skilled and unskilled rural poor. On the other hand, aquaculture has also some negative impacts on the environment which are mainly due to conversion of mangroves and agricultural, salination of surface water resources and agricultural land at some places besides causing pollution and diseases. All the major shrimp farming countries of the world have faced environmental problem due to intensification, improper and uncontrolled planning by greed and unlimited profit motives of a section of aquaculture community. In view of this, a proper environmental management is a basic need to sustain the industry in the long run. Selection of a suitable site in the coastal areas is the first and the foremost step which is a crucial factor in determining the success of shrimp farming.
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